Tuesday, May 18, 2010

tuesday's tip for new mamas: open your blinds!

In the weeks after Baby W was born, I have to admit to having the baby blues.  I did not have the kind of blues where I didn't want to be around the baby, but I had the exact opposite blues! I cried at every little thing that seemed to be wrong.  He had to have several doctor's appointments a week for minor issues.  I cried at every appointment!  A few days after birth we noticed a large bruise behind his ear and had to take him for x-rays! I was a wreck!  (There was nothing wrong.   He just has a big head and the bruise was from the birth.)  The x-ray tech asked me if I had done something to my baby or if it was from birth...I cried and cried!  I would sit in front of the television and if something sad happened...more tears from me! When my in-laws were staying with us, my father-in-law thought there was something seriously wrong with me! 

Well it turns out, I just had a serious case of the baby blues.  I talked to the pediatrician about it and she said it wasn't too out of the ordinary.  When my mother came to stay with us, she made sure that we had all of the blinds open to let the sunlight in!  And she encouraged me to go on a walk every single day.  That really seemed to help out.  I needed to keep the sun shining in the house, and get outside for a few minutes every day.  I would normally get out and push Baby W around in the stroller since he needed a little sunlight too (he had a little jaundice, but not too bad). 

So the tip is baby blues or not, open your blinds and get outside for a few minutes every day!  It will help brighten your mood and keep you with a more sunny outlook :)

P.S. The baby blues only lasted a few weeks.  When we found out that Baby W had a partial biotin deficiency (very rare), I was able to handle that without too many tears, and I didn't cry at the geneticist's office.  I'm glad they didn't last forever!

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