Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday Message: Sing a New Song!

Psalm 33

Yesterday the sermon challenged the congregation to sing a new song to the Lord!  We are all different, yet we can use whatever we have to worship God!  Whether rich or poor, we all have something.  In everything we do, we should be worshipping, praising, and singing a new song to the Lord!

I think this is a great message.  I often find myself not making good use of my time.  I do believe that we should plan our time wisely.  We do need rest and relaxation, but our primary or only purpose is to praise and serve God!

(By the way, the mister was preaching yesterday, and he did a great job!!  He was very passionate with the message and was serving God through his delivery of the sermon!)

Hope you have a great Monday!


Sweet Southern Prep said...

That is a wonderful message! Russell told A about it. :)

Llama said...

How beautiful. Thank you..i needed this reminder today :)

Shannon said...

What a sweet post!I didn't know your hubby was a preacher...did I read that correctly?! How inspiring and what a gorgeous picture! Happy Monday to you...

Oh and about the playing when down for a nap thing---That's what GG did for a few weeks before she finally just refused to ever settle down and take a nap. She'd play and play and was never bad or loud, never cried or fussed, just didn't want to nap in the morning. That was my clue that morning nap was not needed. Now we're down to one pretty long afternoon nap. I was sad at first but kinda liking it now!

Happy Monday, girl!

Shannon said...

Oh and just grabbed your button for my blog roll...don't know why I didn't have it yet! Haha!