Friday, April 16, 2010

Fitness Friday

Each Friday, I will try to post a fitness tip for new mamas that are trying to get back their old body.  These tips will pretty much apply to everyone that wants to shape up!  The first tip I have is WALK! It is the easiest exercise I can think of, and something that almost everyone can do!

I often tell myself that I am going to try and walk 3-4 miles whenever I get out to exercise, but the truth is sometimes I am too lazy or just do not have the time.  But, if you even get out there and get one mile in-that's better than nothing! And it shouldn't take too long:  15 minutes at a fast pace, or 20 if you like to take the leisurely route.  My new goal is to get one mile in a day.  I can make the time for that and if I get a chance to do more, then good for me!


Sweet Southern Prep said...

This is great! Thanks for sharing! Hope W had a peaceful night last night. :)

Emily said...

Fabulous! I need all the advice I can get to try and get back into shape!

erica said...

Thanks for sharing this! Gave me some great tips!
