Saturday, April 17, 2010

March for Babies!

So, I posted about walking yesterday, and this morning I did just that! (I would have said something about this yesterday, but I wasn't positive that I was going to make it to the walk) The Beta Club at my school got together and joined the walk for healthy babies! I decided that I would join the walk if Baby W was up for it in the morning.  We both woke around 8 and were at the walk at 8:40.  I thought that it was a 5K, but it turned out to be 4 miles!  I pushed Baby W in the stroller and walked at a brisk pace with about 6 girls from the Beta club.  There was a great turnout and beautiful weather! I am so thankful that I am able to walk and that I have a healthy baby! So many people lose their babies prematurely and all of the money (over $100,000 in Greenwood) is going to fund research to help keep babies healthy and full term!

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