Thursday, June 3, 2010

thankful thursday!

This is a bittersweet thankful thursday!  The "sweet" part is that I am thankful for my last school day as a "teacher!"  As of 12:30 today, I will finish the "teaching" part of my career.  I am thankful that I will be able to stay home with Baby W and be the best mama to him that I can be.

On the baby monitor last night...played for 2 hours before falling asleep!
(and surprisingly the first time he flipped from back to stomach!)

The bitter part is that I will really miss my job and many of my students.  Teaching is a very rewarding career.  I have had many wonderful experiences, as well as my fair share of awful experiences as a teacher, but they have all taught me important things that I can use in the future.  Thanks to all of my great students I have had over the past 6 years!  

In my classroom (yes...those are UNC curtains in the background!)

One of the sweetest!

One of the loudest!

One of the goofiest! :)


Cool Gal said...

Couldn't have said it better myself! Teaching can be very rewarding, but very, very challenging, too! Although you will miss it at times, you will not believe how wonderful it is to not have the "rat race."

It's great to not have to try and work full-time with other people's kids and then come home and try to have patience and energy for your own. That was such a challenge for me.

I would get up at 5:15. Race to get myself and my child ready (few chores before I left). Strap him in his car seat at 6:45 (sometimes half asleep). Off to daycare in traffic as I had a 25 min commute( on good weather days 25 min - bad 1 hour). Drop him off. Work an 8 hour day with 6-7 year olds. Pick him up. Race home to make dinner. Do the dishes. Bath time. Bed time. Let the dog out in between. Maybe a load of laundry or an errand to run. Dog dead and finally head to bed at 10:00 pm. Only to wake-up and do it all over again the next day. I was exhausted. I was trying to be the perfect mom, wife and teacher and it really to its toll.

Quitting was the best decision I ever made. I felt like I had done everything in teaching there was to do. Yeah, sure the kids/families changed every year, but things were basically the same. Good kids, bad kids. You know what I mean.

It's so nice to be here for my child when he gets home from school. Everything is done around the house so I can focus my time on my family. It's the best!

Enjoy! You will not regret your decision. After all, you will get to spend all your time with that adorable little boy!

teacher girl said...

Congrats on what sounds like a fantastic teaching career. Teachers are the BEST!!!! I hope this summer is wonderful & your new "life" as a stay at home mom is just spectacular! I'm sure you will be missed at your school! Have a great Thursday!

KJJ Houston said...

ha ha love the pics of the kids... too funny

erica said...

Awww I always wanted to be a teacher and gave up my dream and went to college for design now i`m jobless and hating design :/! Sounds like you were a fabulous teacher!
